We’ve Moved To Wanderonwards.org!

Hi beautiful people.  I’d just like to remind you that all my new stuff can be found at wanderonwards.org until WordPress releases my domain name from the vortex it has been dumped in.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the new site as I will no longer be posting on this one… unless it’s to remind you to go to the new one haha.

Some articles to look forward to!

I’m A Whore And You Probably Are Too

I’ve Bought A Plane Ticket: How China Beat Me

Why You Shouldn’t Participate In The 100 Days Challenge

Thanks for the love and support! Eff WordPress. Peace.


7 Ways To Avoid Being Robbed, Kidnapped, Or Murdered While Traveling Alone


There’s really not much I haven’t seen at this point.  I’ve been in riots, held up at gun point, pick-pocketed, put in handcuffs, jumped, chased by a helicopter, and escaped a potential kidnapping… in the last four years.

What can I say?  I know how to have a good time.

Here are some helpful tips about how I keep myself safe as a woman traveling alone!… or at least out of jail.  My record is spotless and I intend on keeping it that way.

1. Zip it before you hit it.

I’m all about zippers. Any sort of pocket or flap is a prime target for pickpockets so before you hit the town, invest in a BACKPACK (not a purse or fly-ass fanny pack) that has pockets on the inside of the bag.  This way, you zip up your personal items AND run after someone if they manage to snatch something.  If you couldn’t tell, I’m a huge fan of GORuck. Click on their banner to check them out!

2. Don’t bring along dead weight.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to carry a drunk girlfriend out of a club/bar because home girl can’t handle her alcohol or emotions properly.  This is twice as dangerous when you’re abroad and unfamiliar with your surroundings. Bite the bullet and be like, “Look bitch. I love you. You’re my bottom bitch. BUT you’re not invited.”  Make friends along the way instead because chances are they’re more interesting and more capable of taking care of their own business.

3. Stop Being “nice.”

Nice people are terrible travelers.  They feel uncomfortable demanding things and are always trying to be considerate of everyone’s feelings.  Stop it.  If you feel like you’re in danger in anyway, you need to do something about it.  Don’t try to be polite and hope that if you’re nice enough, a serial murderer won’t kill you.  Because he/she will; that’s just what they do. If you’re even in this situation, you NEED to scream, run, and grab the nearest bottle.  Shatter the base and threaten to end that person.  Who cares what that person thinks about you after the altercation, because at the end of the day, you made it home okay and that’s what’s important.

4. Make friends with strangers.

I love strangers. They have resources, know different languages, and have experience with anything and everything that could possibly happen.  They also follow the wanderers code, which states:

Our common mission makes us blood.  We shall not let anyone drown if we can help it. We are strangers and family at the same time.

…Unless he/she is a duche bag.  Then they can’t sit with us.

5. Figure out how to use your clothing/personal items as a weapon.

When you see me walking to the cabs with my heels in hand, it’s completely intentional.  1) I obviously was dancing like a possessed water nymph and I’m tired. 2) I can use it to stab someone in the eye. After training in Krav Maga, I don’t mess around when it comes to safety.  I know how to disarm someone with a knife and a gun, how to deflect punches and kicks, and how to use nearby items to defend myself. I’m ALWAYS thinking about my next move if shit were to hit the fan; it’s just how my mind works now.

6. Don’t go home with him/her.

 As everyone probably gathered from 23 Things, I don’t have any qualms with making out with strangers. But I draw a very clear line right there.  When I go out, alcohol is inevitability involved and my creep radar is undeniably impacted so I have very clear and strict rules for myself as a woman.  This may seem anti-feminist, but I disagree.  Yadadada explore your sexuality.  Yadadada equal rights. That’s all good and fun, but that’s not reality.  The reality is that women are regularly assaulted and raped with few consequences for their attackers; especially in developing countries.

This is an unfortunate truth. Now respond appropriately.

Keep it public.  I can deal with some teasing, embarrassing photos, and hangovers as a result of my “free spirited” attitude.  I couldn’t deal with looking into my friend’s eyes the next morning as she gave me a play-by-play of how she was raped after we were separated at a bar.

7. Take a Krav Maga class.

Nothing gets me more jazzed then simulating an attack on my life.  One of my trainers actually took me into the parking lot and choked me against a car to force me to “adapt.” Thanks for that.  The classes really build your confidence and ass-kicking knowledge; and they really put things into perspective.

Because here’s the real deal:

If you intend on causing me harm, I intend on causing you equal or greater harm.  If you attempt to take my life, I will take yours instead. There is no middle ground or room for negotiation. You made that clear when you put me in this position.  But at the same time, I will not cower in fear.  I will not hide in my home. I will not stop wandering the world and doing exactly what I love.

Please share this with your favorite traveling females ❤


7 Ways To Hustle A Valentine’s Date In 7 Days

Being single on Valentine’s Day fucking sucks.

I wanted to put it in a more eloquent way considering my degree is in English, but I simply cannot be bothered to do so at this time.  China is very into Valentine’s Day because it’s so commercial and an opportunity for people to publicly claim ownership of other human beings; the women here are incredibly territorial. For me, monotonous V Day plans are even worse than being alone.

Oh you got me a teddy bear, roses, and chocolate… a lot of thought must have gone into this CVS purchase.

In reality, I would really love an opportunity to go shoot some automatic rifles, cook a grass-fed paleo meal at home, and then I want to be told that I’m pretty and special and brilliant for at least 30 minutes while you scratch my head like a dog.

What an incredibly romantic evening.


 And it’s not just about one person on V Day.  If you’re in a relationship, it’s important to take the time to appreciate your significant other for not crushing your heart into a million pieces or giving you an STD.  He or she obviously cares about you.  Cherish that shit.

But if you’re trying to make the hustle in the next 7 days, here are some of my best strategies.  My policy is: don’t hate the game, just be a better player.

1)   Swallow your pride.

Sure people will approach you if you’re looking all fly and shit, but if you want a say in your sample size, it’s better to chase your pride with a shot of tequila and approach first.  Whether or not this is before or after noon is up to your discretion.  By making a conscious decision about whom you approach, you’re able to sift out the creepers and bimbos immediately and maximize your potential within the allotted time frame.  You’re probably going to have some stiff competition.  Stay focused people!


2)   Be intentional.

Be direct and intentional with your conversations.  If you’re wasting a hour talking to some girl about her hedgehog and obsessive CrossFit addiction (me) and you DON’T think it’s incredibly endearing and/or adorable, jump in front of a car…

…I mean excuse yourself to the restroom and reset.  Don’t feel guilty about it.  I doubt that person will even remember your name by the end of the night and this is your opportunity to be selfish.


3)   Ignore the hottest person in the room.

Statistically speaking, this person is probably an asshole.  Or a female asshole.  Ignore them.  It’ll probably make them want you more to be honest, but  focus on normal human beings instead of 300 lookalikes. While you deserve the best and all that crap, you’re also going to be competing for attention and expected to preform like a circus animal.  Ain’t nobody got time for that!


4)   Play the odds.

When I intend on spitting game, I beeline it for groups of 3-4 dudes whom are incredibly expressive with their hands and are holding dark liquor in their hands; preferably neat. To me, this projects good vibes, fun banter, and liquor appreciation.  Find your own “signals” and identify people who are projecting them wherever you are. Target medium-sized groups of men/women because the odds of “connecting” with at least one of them are greatly increased in comparison to approaching one person at a time; and it’s just more fun.

let me love you

 5)   Be yourself.

If you couldn’t tell by my writing, I’m incredibly eccentric.  I have a very unique way of expressing myself and interacting with human beings; and that’s okay.  If you can’t be yourself with someone on Single Awareness Day, then what’s the point? Oh you snagged a date, but you’re miserable? You showed you.


Be weird. Be silly. Be you.  And if they don’t like it, instead of going out, you can read about all my feelings on wanderonwards.com instead of scrolling through romantic photos on The Facebook.  One of the articles is about how I almost got deported from China.  It’s a real knee slapper.

6)   Give the phone number.

I’m a bit more direct than most people, but my go-to move to secure a phone number is simply to give mine.  Normally I lead with, “Give me your phone” or I pickpocket them for it.  It’s a handy skill I picked up in Europe.  Then I enter my digits, my first name, and the name of the place we met instead instead of my last name (otherwise they’ll internet stalk you), and hand it back.  This exchange is normally followed by, “If you wish to summon me to break bread after the moon has risen, feel free to contact me via my mobile OR I’m also available by carrier pigeon.”


Be confident in the exchange! You are a sexy beast and if he/she doesn’t recognize it, then good thing you gave your digits to two other people earlier that night.  If you forget names easily, this will also save you lot of embarrassment because they’ll be forced to identify themselves when they contact you.

7)   Neutralize the situation.

So after winky faces are inevitability exchanged via text, you have to seal the deal.  Go with something non-threatening and fun for both of you such as,

“Tons of couple will be celebrating Valentine’s Day and muploading about it all day.  Want to turn off our phones and shoot automatic rifles with me?”

See here, you set the expectations low, there’s no pressure, and you get to shoot automatic rifles.  Everyone wins!  If guns aren’t your thing, try hiking, beer gardens, road trips, or go in search of bizarre food.  I love me some alligator hot dogs in downtown LA.  (Guess the reference).

I would implement my own game plan into motion, but I’m stuck at home programming for the next month and simply cannot be bothered to put on pants.  Have fun for me kiddos and shatter some gender expectations for your girl!



Ye Mao Zi Photography (夜猫子摄影)

Aaron Berkovich is one of my personal friends and long-time supporters. He believed in my dreams before it was cool.

He’s been shooting in Beijing for the later year and by photographing travel, parties, people, and food, his intimate images allow him to share his own journey with like-minded people. Like his page here.


Speak English. This Is China: My Reaction To Coca-Cola’s Super Bowl Commercial

SpeakEnglishBefore I moved to China, I definitely wasn’t taking my Chinese classes seriously.  I was a second semester senior, crushing my “intensive” senior curriculum, and working out 3 hours every day since the only other option was sleeping.  Why the hell would I spend the best months of my life trapped in the library with all the freshmeat?  Everyone around me continued to assure me as well, saying,

“Everyone in China speaks English.  They have to.”

Because why wouldn’t they right? America is the greatest nation in the world! We have all the power and the guns.  America, fuck yeah.  Live free or die.  We are God’s greatest gift to the world and everyone justs needs to accept that already….

Or we’ll crush you with our guns, our power, and our English.

But as soon as I hit the ground, everything just became a blur.  Every Chinese character looked vaguely like the numerical pound sign (#) and people were rushing me out of the terminal like salmon fighting against the current.  I stood there helplessly with my 3 pieces of luggage, yoga mat, and rucksack holding onto my international phone with a death grip. It was my only connection to the English-speaking world outside of the terminal.

As a former English major, decorated debater, and self-proclaimed motivational speaker, the fact that I couldn’t communicate with anyone for months was devastating.  Obviously, I have really important opinions that need to be shared immediately, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.  That’s why I got a Twitter account.

And it’s this type of helplessness that immigrants feel every single day in America; yet, we feel no sympathy and continue to criticize and demonize their culture.

When will people stop denying that we’re a nation of immigrants?  If you don’t believe me, GOOGLE it.  Or pick up a book if you’re old school like that. Because unless you’re of Native American decent, at one point in history YOUR family was fresh off a boat, scared, and scrambling to establish a life in a foreign country WHILE speaking your native tongue.  Mind blown, for sho’.

Speak English, this is America.  Why don’t you assimilate to OUR culture and OUR ways? Get a mortgage you can’t afford. Buy an Iphone 5 today and you should have started saving for the iPhone 6 yesterday. Learn a third language because once you’re stateside, you automatically forfeit any excuse not to be perfectly fluent in one of the hardest languages in the world!

Oh, and ditch the accent. That shit ain’t cute.

But that’s not how we do it in the People’s Republic.  In Beijing, the average ex-pat speaks 2-4 languages… in addition to Chinese. Ex-pats often own their own companies, are highly educated, and are acting as the change they hope to see in the world.  We recognize that business abroad is a lot like a family unit. To succeed in the wild wild east you need “guanxi,” or relationships, which will help your business move up in the world.  Without guanxi, you will fail.  Period.  So why not increase your opportunities to develop guanxi with multiple countries in their native tongue?

Point is: being unilingual cripples you abroad.  It traps you in a niche.

Guanxi has been king in China for thousands of years and it will continue to be king as far as we can tell down in the trenches.  However, when anything changes, we immediately adjust, adapt, and advance at the drop of a hat.  Some of us are Americans; others are European or African.  There are Latin Americans, Australians, Middle Easterners, and every other demographic you can think of.  But we are all part of the ex-pat family and WE would never dare say:

Speak English. This is China.

It’s time to abandon this useless and stubborn idea that America is this way, with this God, in this language.  Millennials are educated enough to see that globalization is inevitable and minorities will be the deciding force in elections in the near future.  So everyone just needs to get over it.  Let go of your fear of the other.  People need to get off their high horse and march with the beat that is inevitably in the horizon; a beat that blends all types of instruments together beyond any point of distinction.  It’s time for soloists to get over themselves.

This is why I stand with Coca-Cola.

Not the beverage (I prefer my whiskey neat), but their message.  Coca-Cola’s message was meant to be inclusive; that’s it.  Stop being obnoxious about it.

 Speak Whatever You Want.  This is America.