Kiss Your Worries Away: How To Maintain Your Body AND Pay Down Your Loans


I love being crushed under crippling student loans.  Who ever thought of suffocating middle class students with debit before they could legally have a drink should probably get a medal.. because dreams are for trust-fund babies.

But being healthy and not bankrupt shouldn’t be mutually exclusive.  

I’m a broke, recent graduate, who’s living on her own in China and I’m in the best shape of my life.  If I can do it, then so can you.  Here’s how.

1. Stop Buying Alcohol At Bars/Clubs

Said no one ever. But seriously. Get drunk at home like every other respectable middle-aged man or women in the corporate rat-race.  Perpetual raging is bad for your health and wallet.  If you’re throwing down $10-$15 a drink, 4 drinks later, you just racked up a tab of 60 bucks! If you’re a recent grad, I’m guessing your body can still R&R (rage and recover) relatively well, so nothing is stopping you from doing this 3 to 4 times a week.  $240 later… you’ve also consumed roughly 2,448 calories of regular beer, or 1,552 calories of distilled spirits, or 2,000 calories of wine. That’s $960 and almost 10,000 EMPTY calories a month! I don’t know about you, but I’m more vain than I am thirsty.

2. Invest In Sleep

 You know what’s awesome? Free stuff. I’ve seen my peers tackle people to the floor for a free shirt, but for some reason, we don’t put the same type of dedication into our sleeping schedule.  The relationship between sleep loss and weight gain is a strong one.  Stop pretending like it’s not.  As an adamant believer in “Eff it-YOLO,” I need my body to be in tip-top-shape in order to run away from potential kidnappers in Thailand, wind surf in the Philippines, and crush CrossFit programs in China.  Also, if I come home earlier (like 2am) then I am less likely to blow my money on midnight junk food or get ripped off by cabs. It’s really that easy.

 3. Buy Green Things

 Let me break it down step-by-step for people who continue to be confused.  When you roll up into the super market, head straight for the vegetable section first.  I’m sure your recent diploma has sharpened your deductive reasoning skills enough to identify what is green and what is not.  Approach the “green thing,” pick it up, ascertain whether or not it satisfies the following criteria: is this green? If the answer is “yes,” put it in your basket. Walk directly to the checkout aisle. Pay. Leave.

Most millennials know that fruit is good for you, blah blah blah, but fruit also has a ton of sugar and can get expensive fast.  We know about tomatoes, eggplant, and potatoes, but dark green vegetables continue to be daunting to young adults because we don’t exactly know what do to with them.  Do we eat them raw? Can we microwave this? Will this taste good in a cocktail?  Youtube or Google how to cook green vegetables.  It’s really that easy.  Plus, you pay per pound and your dollar is able to stretch farther without your pants doing the same.

Author’s Tips: Donate all of the “crap” and processed foods in your pantry to a local shelter. This way, you can only drunk-eat raw vegetables at home when your self-control goes out the window at 4am. Also, get your sober self to hide the delivery menus before you hit the club. It’ll be a fun game for you to play when you come home.

4. Go Outside

A gym membership isn’t cheap and running on a machine is incredibly boring.  Try joining free/cheap co-ed league instead!  It gets you moving and helps you meet people in your immediate neighborhood.  Ignore everything you were taught as a child and don’t be afraid to build relationships with these strangers.  This way, if you’re ever lacking motivation, these new fit friends will be more inclined to blow up your phone until you drag your ass to volleyball practice after work.

It’s also a great way to hit on random dudes… “I TOO have a smart phone… we should probably exchange numbers.”

5. Eat Real Food

A pound of sugar is TECHINCALLY fat free.  It blows my mind that companies are allowed to label their processed garbage as “fat free” or “sugar free,” when in reality, they’re just substituting in foreign chemicals to satisfy the criteria necessary to be put on the shelves.  Buy real food.  This is a squash.  That is an avocado.  This is salmon.  That is beef.

What is Aspartame? What is saccharin? Or acesulfame potassium? All of these chemicals are unnatural sweeteners that offer zero nutritional value, but still remain on the FDA-approved list.  Screw you FDA.  I hope you get fat.

6.  Switch to Income-Based Repayment (IBR)

 IBR payments are based off of your current income and family size, and thus, IBR can decrease your monthly payment significantly.  While it extends the repayment period, if you continue to carry some debt after 25 years (and meet certain requirements), chances are some of your remaining balance might be canceled!  It’s a gamble, but it’s a resource nonetheless.  Read more about it here.  This is my plan: after I crush Chinese in next two years (fingers crossed), I plan to go to business school and study international trade so I can continue my nomadic ways, but in a far more comfortable way.  This is when I plan to really focus on my loans.  But for now, I would rather take the interest hit and do what I love, than continue to live as a prisoner.  The world is about more than just the hustle.

7. Drink More Water

Shut up and just do it.



Ye Mao Zi Photography (夜猫子摄影)

Aaron Berkovich is one of my personal friends and long-time supporters. He believed in my dreams before it was cool.

He’s been shooting in Beijing for the later year and by photographing travel, parties, people, and food, his intimate images allow him to share his own journey with like-minded people. Like his page here.


Why GORUCK Made The Difference

When I invest in traveling equipment, there are two very important questions that I take into consideration:

1. Does this make my butt look big? (Squat city!!)
2. Can I run away from a kidnapper with this, drunk?

These two clauses have revolutionized my traveling wardrobe and a few staples that can be found on me at all times while traveling include the following: yoga pants, my Michael Kors Berkely T Strap sandals, 3 pairs of Reebok CrossFit booty shorts, and my GORUCK rucksack. 

This makes it somewhat difficult to travel with other humans because I immediately have an advantage over most people during a time of crisis.

 I hope you’re fast, because I am.

I decided to invest in a GORUCK rucksack after more and more of my friends at Team CrossFit Academy Monrovia started signing up for the various GORUCK Challenges offered. In these challenges, you load up your rucksack with a few bricks (casual), 15-ish pounds of food and water, and then you enduring a beat down by an ex-special forces cadre for several hours.

It’s a killer first date option. You had me at “ex-military. ”


Unfortunately, I was backpacking all of America after graduation and my location in the world never matched up with the GORUCK schedule.  I’m currently trying to persuade GORUCK to do a challenge in China.  Maybe we can fireman’s carry some pandas?

Despite not participating in a challenge, I knew that this product was perfect for what I wanted to accomplish in the next 5 years: anything and everything that my insurance could possibly cover. described my GR1 as, “comfortable in cities, warzones, and at our events, GR1 is our original and most popular piece of gear.“  Fan-FREAKING-tastic.  I do love putting myself in danger when ever possible.  This is (unintentionally) not a joke.



Other features include:

– Built in the USA of military-grade, highly water resistant materials (‘MURICA)

– Two compartments: one main, one laptop/hydration next to wearer’s back

– Main compartment opens flat, internal pocket layout allows for optimal organization

– 17″ tall compartment next to the wearer’s back extra reinforced to securely take a laptop or hydration bladder into combat

– High stress points are strength tested at over 400 lbs

– External slant pocket provides quick access to keys, snacks, and other small items


Whether you’re wandering major metropolitan mazes or trekking in the middle of the jungle, you need your equipment to preform.  While I was backpacking this summer, my NorthFace backpack gave-up on me (moment of silence) and I can’t imagine what I would have done if I was in the middle of the Himalayan mountains instead.  There would be no other option. The equipment I use directly impacts the success of my adventure and how far I can push my body, mind, and patience.

When I was hiking in Chengde, China, it was pouring like crazy with no signs of relief, and I still packed all of my belongings for the trip in my GR1 without hesitation because I knew that my rucksack wouldn’t fail me.  You CAN buy confidence and my GR1 will continue to be my weapon of choice against the big, scary world. If it’s good enough for the American military, it’s good enough for me. Check out GORUCK here.


20 Resolutions For 2014

2013 was a tough year.  There were ups and downs, laughs and sobs, awesome adventures and deep regrets.  For that reason, I always like to write down my “resolutions” to remind myself of the goal… and laugh later when I fall short every once in a while. I feel like many of these resolutions can easily apply to other 20-something “wanderers” so I hope my list brings comfort to people who feel overwhelmed with what they “could have done better” in 2013… because life is a journey. Not a competition. Please enjoy my “self discovery.”

20 Resolutions For 2014

1- Stop telling yourself that you’re going to die alone… out loud… everyday.

2-Be more independent when solving your problems. You have 3G and Pleco now.  Not speaking Chinese is no longer an excuse for everything.

3-Cuddle with Harold more.

4- Spank yourself at least once a day.  Your ass was built by blood, sweat, and ripped calluses.  Recognize your achievements.

5-Be more comfortable with women hating you for no reason. Le sigh.

  • 5.1-… And stop trying so hard to be their friend. You’re not fooling anyone. Be excited that you’re crushing it so hard that you have haters. (THUG LYFE!)
  • 5.2-No really. They’re never going to like you. Seriously, just give up.

6-Never skip a morning workout unless you’re throwing up, having an asthma attack, or cuddling with an incredibly respectable man.

7-Wear your pollution mask more.

8-Pay is forward. Help everyone you can, whenever you are able.

9-Make a legit budget you damn fool!

10-Have at least 2 different types of VISA options at all times.

11-Continue to write and have confidence in your voice.  People are listening.

12-Make breakfast for all overnight guests.  You weren’t raised in a barn.

13-Hug everyone you part ways with.

  • 13.1-Eh, eff it. Hug everyone who will let you touch them.

14-Read those articles your mom keeps sending you.  She cares about you enough to send them.

  • 14.1-You should probably skype with her more too.
  • 14.2-Some more texting wouldn’t hurt either. The woman brought you into the world damn it, she deserves attention.

15-Stop freaking out about money all the time.  All of your bills are/will be paid.  Be grateful for everything you’ve already been blessed with.

16-Only surround yourself with people who can handle the spectrum of emotions that is “Vanessa.”  If people can’t handle you at your worst, they don’t deserve you at your best OR YOUR AMAZING DESSERTS.

17-Kiss more.

18-Continue to spread the teachings of CrossFit and paleo around the world.

19-Have some effing standards.

  • 19.1-Date busy men. You are not responsible for their happiness
  • 19.2-Stop dating men with “Daddy Issues.”
  • 19.3-… or guys named “Alex.”
  • 19.4-… or Colombians.
  • 19.5-… or guys who don’t workout. Seriously, you spend most of your time at the box/studio, hanging out with your friends from CrossFit/Yoga, or planning what you’re going to do at CrossFit/Yoga. It. Just. Won’t. Work.

20-Continue to develop yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally.

We (Harold and I) at would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday this winter! May your debts be settled and glasses be overflowing with champaign to justify whatever poor decision making you wish to engage in.  Cheers.


8 Reasons CrossFitters Are The Best Kind Of Professionals

Tomorrow I have a huge interview that could potentially dramatically change my China experience and long-term career plans for the better. I recognize that I’ve already put in all of the man-hours possible. There is literally, nothing more I can possibly do; I’ve already created several flow charts to prove it to myself. I just need to be myself and I know I’ll nail it.

That doesn’t mean I probably won’t cry later tonight haha.

So after much meditation with my Tibetan Buddhist prayer beads (that are made out of human bones), I’ve come to realize that CrossFitters’ are the ideal employee… and here’s why:

1. We’re not afraid to put in the hours.

When I was a senior in college, I would excuse myself from “Wasted Wednesday” early (and sober) so I could wake up at 6am to make it to the 8am WOD… all the way in downtown Boston. My hour commute to-and-from the box was no joke and now that I’m working full time, my 6am wake up call seem like a normal part of my daily routine. CrossFitters won’t hesitate to wake up at the crack of dawn or sacrifice a few hours from the sacred “8-hours of sleep regiment” because we know that time is money, and your snatch and career aren’t going to grow without some elbow grease… and protein. Everyone loves protein.

1Crossfit(9am crew at Team CrossFit Academy Monrovia)

2. We always get back up.

I’ve had lashing marks on my ass, blood gushing from my knees, and muscle soreness for weeks all because I refuse to believe that my body and mind can’t be pushed just a little bit more. When I first attempted FRAN, I didn’t finish; even when I scaled the weight AND did ring dips instead of assisted pull-ups. After almost two years of CrossFit, I am proud to announce that my FRAN stands at 8:30 RX. So when I’m handed a difficult project at work, I start the timer and get into the zone immediately. Because if I can MURPH, FRAN, and complete the 50 Filthy RX, then ain’t no thing that I can’t do. Child, please.

If I pass out, please note my time and save my spreadsheet.

2crossfit(Post Filthy 50… I am obviously not amused. Or wearing a shirt lol)

3. We have great social skills.

We’re social when it’s appropriate, but focused when we need to be. Ever talk to a serious CrossFitter during the 10-second countdown? Me neither. I’m too damn focused on how I’m going to spread out the reps within the allotted time. I will not be the last one to finish and I’ll be damned if I let ANY of the boys beat my time. But once our times have been recorded in WODIFY, we’ll all go shower up and grab some burgers and beer immediately afterwards. Because there is a time and a place to be serious… and there’s a time and a place to be covered in chalk while yelling obscenities about someone else’s mother.

3crossfit(Boston College Crew at Reebok CrossFit Backbay)

4. We always have a positive attitude.

There’s something truly magical about hitting a new PR. You can always tell when a CrossFitter has hit a major benchmark in their regiment because their eyes sparkle throughout the day as they struggle to walk up a basic flight of stairs… due to a rapid increase of lactic acid in their muscles, obviously. When we’re successful in the box, we suddenly become the office cheerleader because we know that anyone is capable of anything; they just need the proper coaching and support.

Crossfit9(Middle Kingdom Fitness in Beijing, China. We’re a small, but proud box)

5. We navigate all sorts of social circles seamlessly.

In Boston, my noon class was filled with a bunch of jacked bros from the financial district who would warm up with my body weight. I was normally the only girl in the class and I was also dramatically younger than most of them too. (They hate when I say that.) But that didn’t impact the chemistry of the noon class. I never felt intimidated, belittled, or patronized because I was a young female literally competing in a man’s world. I would lift with people who were from a spectrum of social spheres, socio-economic backgrounds, and cultures. And no matter whom I was WODing next to, I understood that we had a responsibility to one another to finish the WOD and encourage the other to move even faster the next time.

5Crossfit(Reebok CrossFit Backbay crew at the 2013 CrossFit Games)

6. We take failure and criticism well.

CrossFit tells you “no” over and over and over again. I’ve fallen from the gymnastic rings, hit myself in the face during a snatch, whipped myself mercilessly during doubleunders (I was into it), and hurt myself in a variety other ways trying to perform various gymnastic moves or put an absurd amount of weight above my head. Despite my past failures, I continue to show up at the box day after day to try again. When competing against the best of the best in the workforce, you’re not going to be the elite everyday; and you need to accept that. You need to learn from that. My form isn’t perfect and my core is crap, but tomorrow it will be better. Not perfect, but better.

4crossfit(When life knocks you down… do a burpee)

7. We work well in teams.

When I competed in my first throw down, I was paired with someone significantly stronger than me. Honestly, I was nervous that I was going to hold him back from all the fame and glory that comes in a CrossFit competition, but in reality, we balanced each other out perfectly. He beasted through the cleans, while I furiously raced through the burpee box jumps. We were one point away from qualifying for finals (whoot whoot semis!), but in retrospect, our bodies were seriously destroyed from the 4 WOD’s we completed in one day and my cartilage was quite pleased with the break. During the competition, everyone cheered for everyone. There were no petty rivalries or shit-talking because we all understood the type of mental and physical strength it takes to push your body to very limit. Everyone understood that if you had the balls (or lady balls) to step out onto the floor and compete, then you were already a winner. Period. No exceptions.

7crossfit(Reebok CrossFit Backbay at the Northeast Regionals supporting our TWO teams… NBD)

8. We are patient with others and ourselves.

“You are enough” is my 2014 mantra because it applies to basically everything. “You are enough” in your relationships, in your career, and in CrossFit. I am constantly trying to support my fellow box members in and out of CrossFit because we are our own worst critics. I’ll be damned if I don’t make it my job to remind you how awesome you are for even stepping out onto the floor to lift. I’ll be the first to admit that CrossFit is intimidating. And for someone to step out of their comfort zone, forfeit a shit ton of money, and actually give this crazy lifestyle a chance… well that deserves a standing ovation. Or at the very least a, “Hey, you’re ass looks great in those shorts.”

CrossfitFEAT(Struggling through a clean in the middle of the throw down. I missed it. Almost a year later, I consider that a warm-up weight now.)

Whelp, those are all my feelings are the moment. Wish me luck, ya’ll.